Why have surge protection installed when you can order a surge-protected extension lead online?

Why have surge protection installed when you can order a surge-protected extension lead online?

In my day-to-day work as an electrician, many people ask me, why bother having a surge protection device fitted when I can simply order surge protected extension leads online? My answer is always quite a long one! There are multiple factors involved in my response to my clients. Here I share some thoughts on this topic, particularly as people gear up to spend big on electronic devices this Christmas time. 

What is surge protection?

First of all, let’s backtrack a bit. What actually is surge protection? Surge protection is a measure that can be taken against power spikes or surges that could damage or shorten the life of your electronic devices. What’s known as a Surge Protection Device (SPD) will help protect the common sensitive electronic devices found in most people’s homes. 

Why is surge protection important?

Power surges can cause premature aging of equipment or complete destruction of electronic components and materials. Without a surge protector, a power spike or power surge could shorten the life of your computer, wipe out all your data, or even destroy your system. In fact, you should use a surge protector with any high-end electronic device.

The latest wiring regulations state that surge protection should be installed within your electrical installation but may be omitted if correct produces are put in place. At A Bathe Electrics we fit SPD as standard within a home, whether it’s a house rewire or a simple fuse board change. We always aim to protect your home's electrics from power surges no matter what.

Are they hard to maintain?

The only thing a homeowner must be mindful of is if the device needs to be replaced. When you look at an SPD you will see an indicator. Normally, the indicator light is green, but if you notice that this has turned red then the SPD will have to be replaced. The SPD has most likely turned red because it has operated correctly and protected you from surges that have happened without you knowing. It is worth getting your surge protector reviewed as part of a regular electrical circuit maintenance check by your electrician.

Why not just rely on SP extension cables?

So, back to my original inspiration for this article – the number of clients who are asking why buying extension cables with this feature is a way of reducing the need (and cost) of installing an SPD. There are a few aspects to my response:

1.      It’s cheaper

Having one SPD installed on your new fuse board is far cheaper than spending a lifetime buying surge protection extension cables for your home. Think about the number of electronic devices a standard family has.

2.      It’s safer

I say this from an electronics point of view and a health and safety point of view. Having a myriad of cables strewn all over your house is going to result in trips and falls. A fitted SPD reduces the number of cables around and therefore the number of trip hazards.

But, having an extension lead only protects you against items plugged in, what about your lights and items permanently connected to your electrical installation? Or devices that are connected straight to your mains? What is to stop them from suffering a surge if the right cocktail of conditions were to present itself?

3.      It’s cleaner

Not an argument you would expect an electrician to make! Cables collect dust, and this creates an extra workload for the person responsible for keeping the home clean. A SPD does not require cleaning (although the odd pass with a duster won't go amiss).

4.      It’s greener

Think about all the plastics and materials involved in creating extension cables. Now think about how many you own and throw away over the course of the years. This creates landfill which is bad for our planet. As our economy aims to move towards a greener future, we need to be mindful of our lifestyle choices. Some greener practices are going to require a bigger initial financial investment, but our children and grandchildren will reap the reward.

If you are interested in finding out whether your SPD needs replacing, or having one installed for the first time, please speak to us at A Bathe Electrics and we will be happy to come and have a look.